Tuesday, April 17, 2012

What's up your @$$?

I recently went out to lunch with a dear friend and she said something that struck a nerve with me...partially because I had never heard the phrase. 

We were talking about mutual friend and she was saying how this person had everything going for her.  From the job, to the guy, to the family life, "it was like she had a horse shoe up her @$$".

courtesy: www.getskinnyjeans.com
This phrase, while pretty hilarious, got me thinking... what do each of us have up our @$$?

The answer to this age old question can actually be pretty telling about how you live your life.  Below I have outlined what I think each inserted object could mean.  Obviously, it's your business end, you can interpret it however you'd like.

courtesy; www.blockaday.com
Stick- This person has made it their life mission to live inside the lines, and they are good at it.  They don't enjoy thinking outside the box, and have a hard time working with people who do.  While they aren't trend setters, they can follow a trend better than most if they like it.  They might not be the person you want to invite to a dance party on a Saturday night, they are the person you want on your Amazing Race team.

courtesy: http://www.messersmith
Bug- This person is a good person at heart, but they are a bit of a buzz kill.  If you are in the mood for a fight or debate, call them.  If you say the sky is blue, they will tell you why it's actually every color in the world other than blue, which makes it reflect blue.  They aren't always fun, but if you need a life "pick-me-up" call them, they will be happy to tell you why your life is SOOOO much better than theirs.

courtesy: www.jdhillberry.com
Horse Shoe- This person can't seem to take a false step.  Whether it's personal or professional, they always have something good happening to them.  We all have these friends and you can't figure out why they are so blessed, but you can't hate them for it (we've all tried).  To be honest, luck is only the beginning for many of them.  The smart ones put in a lot of work to make the most of their lucky streak.  The best/most frustrating part about them is that they're convinced you are just as lucky, which can be really great to hear when you are having a bad day.

After a lot of personal reflection, I came to the conclusion I might have a stick up my @$$.  I have a tendency to get caught up in the details, and I get discouraged pretty easily.  BUT this doesn't mean it's the be all, end all for me.  I think (hope) people can change, so starting today I am going to do my best to turn that stick into a horse shoe.

Which leads to the question, what is up your @$$?

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