Thursday, April 12, 2012

I Can Rule Out Professional Painter

I've been obsessed with making my new home more "me" since I moved.  Naturally, I started with my room.  Most design shows say the easiest/cheapest way to customize a room is to paint.  To that I say, cheapest, yes; easiest, no.
Making my house a home
While doing a completely sub-par paint job, I did come up with a few fun tricks to cover my mistakes.

Lesson One: If you're using painters' tape, take it off before the paint fully dries;  It can give you a perfect, clean line, but only if you don't let it latch onto the new coat.

Lesson Two: Prepare yourself for drips; they are going to happen. If you can catch them while they are wet, great! Wipe them off with a damp towel. If you are like me and are too busy jamming out to your Britney Spears Pandora station,  the best way to spot treat is with a mild nail polish remover and a cotton swab. It's more than just handy for touching up your mani.

Lesson Three: If you don't know what you are doing with a paint brush, I suggest doing three coats. It'll look better and it's a great upper arm work out.

Lesson Four:  If you are doing an accent color, frame it. I did a terrible job keeping a clean line while doing my accent wall (I was bad at coloring in the lines as a child too). After several failed attempts at touching up spots, I picked up two corner treatments and painted them in the same color as the accent wall. They become practically invisible from across the room, but add an interesting architectural aspect when seen up close.

This room will be a work in progress for a while longer, but at least I am one step closer to my own space

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