Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Driving Me Crazy

For the past decade, I have lived in a metropolitan area. Spending most of my time in Chicago and Washington DC has granted me certain luxuries, many of which are not availableto me any more.

Having made the decision to move a while ago,  I knew there would be an adjustment period. I would have to  make new friends, learn a new grocery store, and figure out where all my stuff would go.  But all of these seem inconsequential compared to my biggest challenge: driving.

I don't know about you, but the last time I drove on a regular basis was about 10 years ago. Growing up in a rural area gave me the general know how to operate a car, but I'm just not good at it. I will admit over the past month I believe I have become EXPONENTIALLY better at it, but I feel that it's a skill I will never really master completely, at least not here.

Along with the usual dangers of other cars, pedestrians and smudging your lip gloss while trying to put it on using the rear view mirror, my current home has dangers which didn't occur in my former urban homes. For example, the other day I was driving in the middle of the day on a heavily trafficked road when the car in front of me came to a quick halt. (Luckily, my makeup was done so I had the the opportunity to see it and hit the brakes.)  I couldn't imagine what would cause a state highway back-up; and then the answer strolled out in front of me. A family of deer had decided to cross the road. This is not a normally an urban problem.

For the record, I agree that the person should have stopped (as opposed to colliding with theMcDeer Family), but how is this happening? In most major cities, pigeons and squirrels are the brazen animals which rule the sidewalks and roadways. Here it's DEER!

I am having a hard enough time sharing the road with semi trucks, school buses and all the other cars on the road who are following the law. Now I have to learn mother nature's rules too.
This place is going to Drive Me CRAZY!

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