Welcome to Lc knows.
It's an ironic name because I actually have no idea, and that's where you come in.
I don't know about you, but over the past 12 months my life has been turned, twisted, tortured & triumpant. All this had lead me to believe that I have no idea what to do with my life. A lot of very wise people have given me the exact same piece of advice...
which I would happily do, if only I knew what that was.
So, I am asking for your help in finding my passion.
Using this space, I will be trying different genres of life style based activities, including fashion, home decorating, cooking and even just fun rants about what's going on in my life. I will be depending on you to let me know what you think. What was I good at? Would you wear the styles I piece together? Do you like the the furniture I design? Did you try the recipe I created? Am I as funny as I think I am?
Through this adventure I hope we can figure out what I should do with my life and maybe you'll learn something about yourself in the process.