Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Spiked Popsicles...'nuf said

So many of us are suffering through this insane heat.  Whether you are facing high temps, humidity or both, there is no denying that being outside is a little miserable.
I find the best ways to beat the heat is with an icy treat or a cocktail.  So I decided to combine my two heat seeking weapons and make some spiked Popsicles.

Here is how you can do this at home.

3 cups of your fave juice
2 oz. of alcohol
*If you feel fancy you can toss in fruit or herbs

1. In a pitcher mix the juices together.  Then pour it into a popsicle mold.
*Don't have a Popsicle mold, use small paper cups and fruit.  One you've filled the cup, put a thin slice of lemon, lime or orange on the bottom and put the stick through that. 
**Don't have fruit slices, cover the cups with plastic wrap and poke a hole over each cup, then slide the stick into the cup.

2. If you are adding fruit or herbs, wait about an hour until the juice has partially set.  This will keep the add ins from sinking to the bottom.

3. Wait until the pops have fully set and enjoy!

This is one of the easiest recipes to take one and it's perfect for any party.  It's also a great way to get creative with flavors. Below are some fool proof combinations for you to consider when it comes time to mix it up...

Rum in coconut water with pineapple
Berry Vodka with cherry juice and cherries
Lemon vodka with lime juice and seltzer water (this is SOOOO refreshing)
Orange vodka with pineapple juice and strawberries

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