This is not to say I am vain or materialistic, but I like nice things
and things that looks nice. She also taught me how to find a good
Hence I submit to you what I will be calling, CostCo Couture.
There is a great scene in Forgetting Sarah Marshall where Peter (played by my star crush, Jason Segel) accuses Sarah Marshall (Kristen Bell) of being a brand snob.
I recently came to know his pain.
My mother and I were shopping at the mega store, picking up the usual stuff (laundry detergent and an obscene amount of chocolate covered almonds) when she took our over-sized cart astray to show me something. She wanted to know what I thought of a top she noticed a few weeks back (yes, we are those people who go to CostCo every few weeks). It was a Michael by Michael Kors top with a snake skin pattern. By all accounts I could imagine this top on a mannequin in Macy's or Dillard's. It wasn't anything outstanding, but as tops go, it actually looked pretty flattering.
As we walked down the aisles past the strange assortment of family clothing, I couldn't help but notice the table next to the tops. It was full of denim.
To fully understand what I was about to do, you must understand I have been on a two year long quest to find a great pair of white jeans. I have actually bought tops in the hopes of focusing my search more just by seeing them in my closet.
I took the detour to the table, my inquisitive hands sifting through the mountains of blues, grays and whites. They were reputable brand, which I was distantly familiar with.
I found a pair of white in my size. Holding them up, they looked about the size other pants I owned.
Upon arriving home I tried them on immediately. Much to my surprise, they fit. I couldn't believe it. I had tried on at least 50 pairs of white jeans ranging in price from $20 to $250 and these were the winners. I showed my mom and she agreed. Everything about them was right, including the price.
I fondly named this entry "CostCo Couture" because couture is a word often associated with one of a kind in the fashion world. These pants were just that. They were one of a kind in so many ways.